Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Heading to a Wedding - NSW-VIC-SA January 2014

Its been a while since we updated this blog - actually its been a while since we've been out in the camper trailer - so long we actually let it run out of rego - and then had the last minute rush to get it blue slipped and registered on the day we were supposed to be heading off!  And to make things even more interesting the Landcruiser 80 series had also run out of rego - needed a blue slip, but wasn't going to pass rego so I ended up trading in my Navara for a Landcruiser Prado which I bought only two days prior to leaving.

It was my brothers wedding on 31/1/14 at Goldings Winery just outside of Adelaide.  My family was coming from NZ and Denmark and my sister in law had family coming from Spain and all over Australia.  Things have been in planning mode for the last 6 to 8 months and it was decided that we would take a camper trailer trip over to Adelaide from NSW with my Dad (from Denamark) and his girlfriend.  Sam was due to start his first day at "big" school on 3/2/14 so we had to fly back, but my sister and her father (from NZ) had decided they would like to spend some time exploring Australia so they would bring the camper trailer and car back to us having their own trip along the way.

Yep it does sound confusing - but its working!

 I actually started writing the blog on the road as I normally do however the app seems to have stopped working and none of the posts I wrote would publish so this post is now being written post wedding, back at home waiting on the Prado and Camper Trailer to return.

We left on Saturday 25 January 2014 and headed in the general direction of Cowra NSW, we were still trying to decide on the actual route we would take as the temperature was soaring into the high 30's early 40's during the 4 day we had set aside for travelling.  I had put in camp site details for near West Wyalong, but we changed our mind and headed towards Wagga Wagga.  We had a few stops along the way - at a hardware shop to find a new plug for the water tank - Gaz cleaned out the tank then left the plug in the other car.  We stopped at Cowra for a lunch stop and a grocery shop and ate hot chicken rolls in the supermarket car park.

We settled on a place called Pipers Reserve, 10km out of Galore on the Murrumbidgee River.  I had downloaded the Wikicamps app on my phone - great app - I highly recommend it.  I used this app along with our Camps 6 book (our camping bible).  It was the Australia Day weekend so when we arrived at the reserve most of the riverside spots were taken but we found an elevated spot right down the end of the reserve past the boat ramp and it was perfect!!

We had brought a coleman roll up mattress with us for my Dad and his girlfriend to sleep on and had decided to put it out on the hard floor due to it being only a one night stop.  It worked well but we decided that we would rather have the space due to the heat. So the next night we ended up putting up the tent for them.

 On Sunday 26 January 2014 we packed up and headed off for the NSW/VIC border.  We had decided to go from the Murrumbidgee to the Murray - a long journey and a very hot day.  We stopped at Urana where we had lunch beside a man made lake, then kept on for Barham right on the Murray River and border of NSW/VIC.

I had keyed in the co-ordinates for the Koondrook Reserve and was promptly taken to the Barham Caravan Park - we did not want to stay in a caravan park so looked for the next spot which ended up being at Safes Lagoon Canoe Trail - on a off shoot of the Murray River. 

We found a huge area right next to the water and close to the toilet area (we later found the toilet was closed due to termites).  We checked the fire restrictions and found their was no fire ban so lit up a small camp fire and cooked up some chicken wings and rice for dinner. 

Gaz set up the shower tent and we heated the water up in the keg and let Dad and his girlfriend have their first experience of a hot camp shower.

The next day was going to be a long trip so we started packing up almost as soon as we started waking up.  We were heading to Long Beach, Kingston SE in South Australia where we intending on setting up for 2 nights so we could explore the area and relax a bit before heading into Adelaide for pre wedding things.

It was a long trip - approx 7-8 hours of driving.  The GPS kept wanting to take us on the main highways but I was navigating with the GPS and the camps 6 book and could see some more minor roads that would take us in a more direct line.  I actually found that as soon as the GPS picked up the new route it would actually adjust the time of arrival - I think I gained about 1.5 hours with a few adjustments to the route.

We stopped at a cafe in Donald for lunch and just kept driving.  This was the hottest day by far and the temp actually hit 43 outside the car.  We stopped at Bordertown SA and I actually just started feeling claustraphobic due to the heat - just to get out of the car and into the air con at the petrol station was enough to bring me back.  The whole journey we had been doing just with windows down for ventilation, the outside temp just got that little bit too warm.  The car did have air con but we were trying to to use it while towing the camper trailer.

I had keyed in the co-ordinates for "The Granites" on Long Beach, however when we got their it was just a big bitumen car park - gorgeous view but not the place I wanted to set up for 2 nights at.  So we headed back in the direction of Kingston SE and found Long Beach Rd approx 5 - 10 km out of Kingston.  This road is the beach access rd as you can drive the length of the beach.  We pulled off a track to the left side of the road down near the beach and found a large flat elevated spot near the mouth of the drain to the sea.
It was a little stinky, but with a wind change you could bear that smell.  The ground was quite hard and rocky, but we found a spot in the long grasses to pitch the tent.

We set up the camper trailer facing out towards the beach, away from the drain and set up the awning as we were going to spend two nights there.

The first night and day was fantastic weather wise.  The sunsets just blew me away!
  They made up for any kind of stinkyness from the drain.  I thought we had found the perfect location.  We even went for a sort of swim in the sea - you would have to walk out for miles to even get hip height in the water.  We left the camper and tent and went for an explore around the area.  We spotted the Cape Jaffa Lighthouse which had been moved into Kingston - Sam was really excited about this - so much so we had to arrange a tour for Wednesday morning before we left for Adelaide. 

We drove out to Cape Jaffa and saw the new Marina they are in the process of building.  We drove past Cape Jaffa Wines where my brother used to work.  Gaz really wanted to stop at the big lobster and have a drink but when we got there it was closed so that was a little disappointing.  That afternoon the winds started up.  When we got back to the camp site the winds had picked up quite a bit and the tent was being blown flat to the ground whilst the camper trailer back was being buffetted causing the poles to bend.  Gaz started to run around trying to fix this and ended up parking the car around the back and attaching a rop from the highest point in the centre of the tent to the car to prevent further bending.  another pole was added to the back corner through an eyelet and rope tied down to stabilise.  The middle pole kept us awake most of the night creaking and screeching until Gaz had enough and stumbled around in the dark to find the WD40.  I got to sleep after that.

The next morning we got up early and packed up the basics, Gaz Sam and I headed into Kingston to do the Lighthouse tour.  Definately worth it - for those that want to do a tour it can be arrange through the caravan park next door.  A group fo volunteers run the place and will arrange a time to come and unlock the lighthouse.  They are full of knowledge and it only cost $5 per person $2 per child.

We completed the tour then headed back to the campsite to pack up and get on the road.

On the road to Adelaide we could smell a stink saw miles of dried up salt lake/paddock type areas and thought possibly these were salt farms, however once we got to Meningie on the banks of Lake Albert right at the mouth of the Murray River, we found out more.  These areas have been purged of the water due to farmers taking the water further up along the Murray River.  The fish life, wild life, bird life had all diminished.  A once prosperous farming and fishing community now left with the salt table wastelands left after the water has been drained away.  Quite sad really - but there are measure being put in place to try to bring the land back the way it once was.  Farmers in the area are now farming without the irrigation systems that they used to have and although it is harder they are finding they can manage.

Anyway - around 5:30pm we rolled into Mylor and parked up the camper trailer at Mylor House where we would be spending the next few nights with other family.  My brother had arranged all the accommodation.  It was lovely to sink into one of the most comfortable beds I have ever slept in.  A beautiful house in a fantastic location.  It was fantastic to see all of my family. 

We did have a few problems which we tried to bring up with the owner - such as only having 1 towel per person for a week stay and no access to a washing machine or information as to where we could do washing.  No broom to sweep the floor, only 2 tea towels, the ironing board was flimsy and too small, no hooks to hang any clothing or the one towel we were provided to dry.  Not enough plates or cutlery.  No fly screens on the windows and no air conditioning.  We were staying during one of the hottest periods of the year - it was lucky that the house had a natural coolness to it if you kept the curtains drawn and door closed.  The ceiling fan could only be accessed if you dragged a chair out from the dining room and stood on tip toes to pull a flimsy chain to turn it on or off. The owner did not seem to like this kind of criticism and "politely suggested" we may have been more suited to the local caravan park.  Needless to say I would not recommend staying at this house - and this is only based on the owners attitude.

My brother and his wife were married at Goldings Winery and it was a magnificent day and evening. 

A whirlwind of a trip but the outcome was fantastic! 

Im now waiting for the trailer to get back to us so we can plan out next trip.