Monday, August 3, 2015

Kimberley trip 2015 - the long run home.

We left Home Valley Station around 8.45am and continued with the others across the Pentecost river where we all said our goodbyes. They were heading to El Questro and we were getting off the Gibb river road and starting our long run home.

We took a family photo at the end of the Gibb and headed towards Katherine. The drive through Gregory national park was awesome. It would have been good to stop and spend some time their but we have to make up time now. Our one mission for on the way home is to stop at Longreach and take Sam to the Qantas museum again.

We managed to get to a rest area about 50km from Katherine. We had passed other rest areas on the way but they were chock full of caravans. This rest area had a bad write up on wiki camps because of the overflowing rubbish bins so that meantw only had two other campers there with us. We arrived around 7pm, the sun had set around 6.30 and the moon was coming up almost full.

We had gone over the time line again into NT time so we lost an hour and a half.

We had a little bit of twilight left to set up and start cooking.

We had barramundi fillets that we had left in the fridge, lightly floured and pan fried with rice and salad. We then jumped into bed nice and early.

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