Monday, December 31, 2012


Today is the last day of 2012. It is a Monday and a beautiful day with blue skies a slight breeze and gorgeous views. Sam and Josh are swinging in the hammock whilst Gaz and I lounge on the lounge chairs drinking coffee over looking the water. Mark and Sheree have gone out in the tinny fishing so maybe we'll have fish for breakfast.

Sam is loving it here so much so he crashed out early (around 7pm) and slept the whole night in his own bed. Josh is like a big brother taking him to the park, out to check the bait traps, swimming, kayaking, generally having an awesome time.

It's going to be a hot day.

Yesterday it started of overcast and we felt a few spits of rain but the rain never came thank goodness but we did manage to get the tarp set up over the whole camp.

Gaz, Sam and I went for a drive into Umina to get a few more things including 2 kg of green prawns, another crab trap and a bait trap. We came back to camp and Gaz, Sam, Mark and Josh went and set the traps. Sheree and I kayaked out to check them later and could only find one. Turns out one of Gaz's traps has been pinched.

We had garlic chilli prawns and salad for dinner with bloody Mary's made specially with celery salt on the rim of the glass and celery stalks as stirrers yummmmmm. Had an earlier night and have woken refreshed today.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Seeing out 2012 at Patonga

Sitting at site number 14 Patonga campground. We are setting up for a couple of weeks (with a switch of sites in between) I have to leave in NYE to work so technically will not be here to see the New Year in but the rest on the time will be here.

It took a while to get organised and get here with Gaz doing the working up to the last minute thing he does. But we got here and have started the set up had a few drinks, relaxed by the water, beautiful sunny weather. I must remember sunscreen. Josh took Sam off from the moment we arrived. They were up at the pirate ship park or down by the water trying to catch yabbies.

Still have a bit to organise like getting a tarp up over the whole campsite but I think the boys will tackle that tomorrow.

Sam has a big stretcher bed now,set up for the first time. It looks so comfy. I think I'll have another beer!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Ballina whilst fixing the boat

Gaz tried to bring the boat Mialo from Hervey Bay to Sydney but only managed to get to Ballina due to a few hiccups along the way. But what a great spot to stop! He anchored her in the river and arranged for a time to get her out of the water up on the slipway for some much needed tlc. This has meant we had to come back up to Ballina to work on the boat whilst she is out of the water. Ahhhhhh it's a hard life I tells ya!

So Gaz drove up to Ballina with the camper trailer and set up in the Lakeside Caravan Park. Sam and I flew up to Ballina on Thursday to join Gaz at the caravan park. Now Sam and I are having a little holiday whilst Gaz works on the boat.

I got to see her for the first time yesterday and I'm happy. Yes she has been stripped back and the guts ripped out of the inside but we got a fantastic fun family boat and by investing the time work energy and a bit more cash it will be worth the effort.

So Gaz was up at day break and off the the slipway. Sam and I are exploring around the area. I wanted to get up to the breakwater but Sam found the water beaches and rocks to play in along the river so we are stuck here for a while.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Hmmm might need to change the title!

So it looks like I'm going to have to change the title of this blog to "campertrailer travels and other fun things" cos, you see, we bought a boat! So stay tuned and we'll be updating re going to pick up the boat and finding a mooring and all that kind of fun stuff. Like Gaz has said, we'll have no reason to be at home on weekends now.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Trunkey Creek to home

Last leg of the journey. Woke to a frost again and then the sun rose over the trees and warmed us all.

Had bacon and eggs for breakfast, packed up and then took the road to Rockley then Oberon then into the mountains. A much better return than when we left. The sun is out and although it's cool its a beautiful winter day to drive home.

Narromine to Trunkey Creek

Woke to a frost again and took our time in the morning to have spaghetti on toast. Gaz lit a little fire again so we could boil some water to do the washing up and then we headed in the direction of Trunkey Creek. Why Trunkey Creek? Well a position had come available there for work and I thought I'd check it out.

A lovely little town with a large brick police station and residence. Fertile land, quiet, a little pub that had a fire going when we called in for a beer. We paid $5 to the publican to camp at the showgrounds where we could connect to power and access to the public toilets and showers. The local school was on the edge of the showgrounds and looked lovely the publican said around 16 children from pre kinder to year 6 went to the school.

The only problem was there was no mobile reception whatsoever and I think Internet would be lacking to so it would be no good for Gaz and the business if I managed to get stationed there.

We went for a walk around the showgrounds Sam kicking his little soccer ball and came across some kangaroos. Sam loved it.

We lit a fire in a fire drum provided and cooked up burritos for dinner. Sam fell asleep watching a movie while Gaz and I watched to fire burn down. Then it was into bed for our last night on the road.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Barringun to Narromine Macs Reserve

Woke up to a brisk breeze and slowly packed up whilst chatting with a truck driver that had pulled in over night. An inquisitive goat wandered over to test the grass near us and Sam got to pat him with the help of Gaz. The goat liked being scratched on his head in between his horns but looked like he could bunt Sam at any time.

We drove into Bourke and stopped at a bakery for pies and coffee then continued on to Nyngen where we stopped for wine and fuel. Then onward to our destination of Macs Reserve described as bush campsites along the Macquarie river. We got to the reserve and found the sites down near the river had lots of rubbish and the long grass surrounding the sites were covered in those prickles that cling to your clothes so we went back up to near the road and entrance tithe reserve where there was a bit of dirt and grass but clear of prickles and set up there.

We got a good fire with a good bed of coals and Gaz cooked up the Porterhouse steaks on the grill.

Another cold clear night with the stars out in full and the moon almost full a beautiful sunset again and full belly nice wine then snuggled up in bed.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Charleville to Barringun Bush Tucker Inn

Woke to a frost and took our time to pack up by having a bacon and egg breakfast. Our destination for the day was the border of NSW.

We stopped in Cunnamulla for lunch at the local takeaway shop which seemed to be being run by French backpackers. We got fish and chips not ver tasty at all. An old guy at the takeaway showed me a magic trick with a ring and a piece of string. I think it was just his way of striking up a conversation. We stopped at the butchers and got some more meat. Some chicken and a couple of porterhouse steaks! We have to have steaks on the grill at least one more time before we get home.

Then we kept on to Barringun just over the NSW border. Barringun doesn't have much of a town any more but it used to be the customs point border control on the QLD NSW border with a police station in each state. There is no sign of the police stations anymore. Just the old roadhouse The Bush Tucker Inn where we paid $10 (un powered) to camp for the night. And the Tattersals Hotel run by licencee Mary who must be in her 80's.

We arrived on the border around 3:30pm so we set up camp then went across the road for a drink at the hotel. Sam met Chook the cockatoo and we chatted with Mary and some of her family that had come from Wagga to spend some time with her.

We then went back to the campsite where Sam met the horses and fed them a carrot each. I made butter chicken on rice for dinner and we all had nice hot showers before bed. The water had a sulphuric bore water type smell but it was hot and clean. It was nice to have a long hot shower not having to set up the shower tent and boil hot water. The only thing missing though was the campfire.

So without a campfire to daze into we decided to go to bed early and watch another Tarantino movie - Natural Born Killers. We only got about halfway through before the battery went flat on the computer so we just snuggled in and went to sleep.

Then the nightmare began. Bl&@dy dogs! The owner of the roadhouse has numerous dogs that look like part wild dingo and they were chained up around the house near the roadhouse. They started barking and barking and wouldn't shut up! One would start then the others would all join in - then even the horses joined in and whatever other animals the owners had hanging around! Arrrrgggghhhhhh

For this reason I would not recommend staying at the Bush Tucker Inn - keep driving to Enngonia!