Monday, June 29, 2015

Kimberley 2015 - not Ponto Falls to Silverton

Ok so we didn't make it to Ponto Falls. Don't trust the directions on wiki camps! We ended up on the other side of the river and because we were running late we didn't have the time to double back to Wellington so we just found a spot on the side of the road.

We got set up fairly quick and got dinner cooking, spaghetti Bolognese, fire going and nice glass of wine. Ahhhhh we are finally on holidays!

Woke up around 7am Gaz got the fire going again and boiled the kettle for a cuppa. We packed up slowly and drove in to Dubbo and had McDonald's for breakfast.

On the road now making a beeline for Silverton. We decided we would do a big drive now and set up for a couple off days in Silverton just to get into the groove again.

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