Sunday, July 5, 2015

Kimberley 2015 - Marla SA

Left our lovely spot next to the salt lake and drove towards Coober Pedy.  We stopped for a wee stop for Sam at the rest area where the young guy, Dane, has a memorial. He went missing from Victoria last year and was found dead from a snake bite and his can bogged Not far from where his memorial is. 

We kept driving to Coober Pedy where we stopped for lunch and had a little look around. To tell the truth Coober Pedy did not impress me much. It had a great skate park that Sam got to try his scooter on but the rest of the place looks untidy and had a lot out want to be tourist type places with pushy opal sellers. The mounds of dirt around the town from all the mining was described by Gaz as looking like a dog that buried his bone and then forgot where he buried it.

We took a couple of tourist photos went to the bottle store beer is now $49 a case. Not too bad.

Kept driving as far as we could towards the border and got to a roadside camp called Ericas camp on wiki camps, 10km south of Marla. A lot of red dust the further you go from the road so we camped closer to the road in gravel. There was a lot of toilet paper around too. I don't understand why people just can't dig a hole!

Got a campfire going and cooked up salmon steaks for dinner. Decided on an earlier night and got tucked up in bed.

Left camp this morning just before 10am heading for Uluru. Sam is excited to see the humungeous rock.

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