Sunday, June 10, 2012

Thursday 7 July 2011

Hervey Bay to Coffs Harbour


Remind me not to do this again with the girls!!

Jess again didn't lift a finger - except to keep texting.
Emily chucked a tantrum - absolutely revolting behaviour - was such a spoilt brat - I should have recorded it and played it back for her.

We had a long stop for lunch, just outside Brisbane - cooked up steak sandwiches - had another short stop to re-fuel and finally got to Catherines house about 8:20pm.  The weather is cooling down as we drive towards home.

I found out a tree had come down on my house with all the 100kmph winds in the Sydney Blue Mountains area.  Wayne took photos and texted them through - luckily there is no roof break throughs just some gutter damage by the looks - we should be able to sort it out when we get home.

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