Sunday, June 10, 2012

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Hervey Bay

Another gorgeous day!!  Gaz got asked to go fishing with another guy in the Caravan Park - he has a dinghy.  So Gaz, Emily and John (Train driver) took off after breakfast.  Jess has a man cold (Conveinient seeing as it is her turn to do dishes etc - she hasn't lifted a finger to help anyone else since she's been with us - its a pity)

Sam and I went for a walk along the waterfront to a park.  Then to the playground in the campground.  Then up to the shopping area where I bought some 2nd hand beach toys for $2.50.  Sam has been playing with them ever since.

Its almost 1pm as I write and im hoping he'll fall asleep soon so I can have a nap.  Its definately one of those lazy days.

Had a lovely "family" walk on the beach - Jess did promise not to touch her phone but that didn't last long - I think its permanantly attached to her.  Some gorgeous photos.

Gaz, Em Sam and I went to the waterpark next door - free entry - was lots of fun!

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