Thursday, July 5, 2012

Birriwa to Lightning ridge

Woke up to a huge frost it was freezing during the night. Sam had jumped in with us at the beginning so that was good as we all kept each other warm.

We decided to wait for the fog and frost to burn off we won't be doing that again! The tree we were parked under started raining once the sun started trying to peek through the clouds. We ended up packing up wet and didn't leave until 10.30am

We started driving and soon the sun shone through the clouds awesome driving nice straight roads not much traffic

We stopped at Gilgandra for pies and coffee then kept going til Walget where we stopped for fuel. We had keyed in Lorne Station at Lightning Ridge but would have had to pay for staying so we kept looking out for alternative spots. We ended up staying at the Lightning Ridge rest area about 5km south of the ridge.

But before we set up we drove into Lightning Ridge to get some supplies. Just as we drove into town I could hear the fan belt screeching I thought oh no not again! This is what happened on our last trip! Gaz checked under the bonnet and found the alternator housing has striped. Luckily we were in town and we bought some new bolts from a hardware shop, we restocked our beer supplies, stopped at the butcher for a huge steak then took it easy back out of town to the rest area where we got set up.

The highlight of my day was Gaz christening the new grill hot plates that he had made along with the new hot water keg system. Those steaks were gorgeous and went well with a glass of red whilst listening to the state of origin on the radio. Well Gaz listened to the game to me it was just mumbling I was too busy staring into the campfire.

Sam decided he was going to help fix the car too.

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