Thursday, July 26, 2012

Kennedy Creek to Lions Den Hotel

A very cruisy day today. Started off with a bit of a sleep in, or what you can call a sleep in with a three year old. Then up for a couple of cups of coffee and spaghetti with a poached egg on toast for breakfast. We started up the generator to charge the computers which Sam had managed to drain through watching movies the night before. Then a leisurely pack up as we knew we weren't going to be driving a long way.

Around 10am we had the trailer packed up and had just made another cup of coffee when some other travellers pulled in for a morning tea break. We finished our coffee and hit the road around 10:20am.

We keyed in the co-ordinates for the lions den hotel and it estimated our arrival for 1pm. As we drove the eta was earlier and earlier. We arrived around 12:25pm and booked a camping spot. We needed to do some washing so we set up the tent, spoke to our neighbours who we recognised from our travels, from Punsand bay. The lady Jenny, had gotten lost at Punsand and Gaz had to show her back to her site. Turns out her husband Aaron is a QLD police officer so we had a bit of a work related chat.

I managed to get a couple of loads of washing done and hung up in the sun. It's getting cheaper to do a load of washing down to $3 a load as opposed to $5 at the tip!

We needed a few groceries so decided to go for a drive into Cooktown. It was only about 30km away. On the drive there we passed through Black Mountain. This is something quite amazing to see! It's a mountain made of big blocks of black granite rock just all piled together. It's not man made and is just a whole mountain of blocks out of the blue - quite bizarre!

Then onward to Cooktown. For the short time we were there it appeared to be quite a nice part of the world. Sparkly coastal waters palm trees and green lawns. We found a butcher and green grocer that had produce at reasonable prices! So I bought a fair bit of meat, some nice fresh veg - there wasnt much veg, and some fresh farm eggs which only cost $4.50 for a dozen. The green grocer caught us up with the local gossip on the missing man (suspected murdered) from Palmerville station. Everyone knows who done it according to the locals.

Then we went to the IGA where I stocked up on butter, coffee, bread etc everything at reasonable prices again yay! I had only really popped into the IGA for some butter and nappies but while I was there saw other things we needed. I hadn't grabbed a basket as I thought I could just carry the few things I needed in my arms. As my arms became more laden with groceries, a passing shopper came to my assistance and offered to go and get me a basket. What a lovely gesture I was really thankful.

We went through the drive through (I think we must really sound like alcoholics by now) and bought a case of XXXX for $45 I was going to buy another cask of wine but when I asked to do that we were told that they couldn't sell cask wine until after 6pm! These alcohol restrictions take some working out and are different for all different areas. They could sell bottled wine though just not port or sherry or cask??? Oh well I still had supplies back at camp do I figured I'd give it a miss.

Then we drove back to camp. Gaz had been starting to feel ill and by the time we got back he just wanted to have a shower, eat something and go to bed. So I cooked up some sausages and veges while he took Sam for a shower then he and Sam crawled into bed with a movie whilst I sat outside typing this.

It's only 7:35pm as I type but that is camping for you. The campground is buzzing. Kids are playing on the playground and running around having a ball. Aaron and Jenny have just come back from having their first night out alone in 16 months. Their travelling companions looked after their daughter while they went and had a pizza together at the pub. It is amazing how much you take for granted sometimes.

We are still undecided as to which direction we are taking to get home. Gaz has said he wants to be back across the border into NSW by next Monday and home by Friday so we do have some time to play with. I think if Gaz is still feeling unwell tomorrow it might be best to have another night here, we can explore around the area for another day easily!

Was pension day so was a big night at the pub and then we had an idiot honking his horn revving the engine and then walking around the campsite overnight. We've decided to move on anyway. It just allows for a little more cruise mode time travelling home.


  1. Hi Kyla it's Jenny here. We drove from Lions Den straight to home in Townsville as Charlotte came down with a fever and the runs. Only got the chance to surf the net in peace now with unpacking and looking after a sick child. I will keep reading your past and future blogs Kyla. Keep up the good work! Jenny

  2. Fantastic that you found the blog Jenny! I hope Charlotte is feeling better and that you have relaxed back at home. I'm on the banks of the Thompson river just outside of Muttaburra at the moment and really surprised I actually have reception! Keep in contact. Kyla
