Friday, July 20, 2012

Thursday Island

After speaking with a few people who had been out to Thursday Island we decided we had to do it. We had asked about availability at Seisia and were told it was booked out until Sunday but some people would just turn up on standby and most would get on due to no shows.

We set the alarm for 5:30am, Gaz turned it off and hid his phone under his pillow. I woke up and said, "what's the time?" it was 6am so we all got up and left from our campsite around 6:30 am.

We got to Seisia just after 7am and watched as the sun rose over the water and wharf.

More and more people started to show up for the ferry and it wasn't looking good for us. The ferry holds around 80 people and it felt like there was close to 80 there. All of those with booking boarded the another couple just walked past us and asked if there was any availability. The boat staff checked their records and everyone waiting ended up getting on. Gaz was saying if that couple had managed to get in and we didn't he would have been really pissed off! But we got on.

It cost $112 per person for a return ticket. Sam was classed as an infant and therefore free. We had to check when we got on that we were going to get a return that night because we had heard of people that managed to get across but the returning ferry was booked out so they had to stay over night or charter another boat or plane to get back.

We also had the option to do a bus tour of the Island once we got over there but we decided against it as Sam had been hyper on the boat we didn't like his chances of sitting quietly in the bus!

It worked out great though. We got into TI wharf and walked around to the left towards town. We found a little cafe - uncle ( something) and had a big Bala breakfast. Then we walked through main st (Douglas st) and stopped at the pharmacy for Gaz to fill his prescription then kept walking through town to near the court house where we took the road up to Green Hill fort. This is located 58 meters above sea level.

It was a lovely walk and the views from the fort were spectacular. The fort was well preserved and had gone through a restoration to keep it in such a good state. We looked around the fort for a while and took lots of photos then started to amble back down to town.

In town we stopped at Australia's Top pub and had a few beers. Sam had a plate of hot chips and a lemonade. It was all so relaxing. At the pub we got to talking to the couple that had jumped ahead if us at the ferry. Turns out they are from USA and have been travelling around the world on their BMW bikes. The bikes follow them to each country. They had been through NZ and were now working their way around Australia. The female was originally from Melbourne but now living in the US. It is always so interesting to hear other people's stories of their adventures!

After the pub we walked through the main street again and then out to rebel wharf where there was a seafood shop. we got to see all the crayfish climbing all over each other in the pools. We even got to see a new load being brought in by the locals. We bought two cray tails and 1kg of prawns. They cost us $40 all up.

There are quarantine restrictions coming back from TI where you can not bring animal products, plants, fruit etc the only thing that you can bring back is seafood. If you ever get the chance to go to TI definitely get some seafood it was delicious!

We then walked back to the ferry which left at 2:30pm. We sat inside the ferry on the way back and it seemed that it had been a big day for a lot of people as most seemed to fall asleep. The trip between the mainland and TI is 1hour and 5 mins. On the trip to TI they give a tour guide type commentary pointing out each of the islands and giving a history lesson it really is a great trip!

We got back to Seisia around 3:10pm and drove back into Bamaga to pick up more beer supplies. Yep we are a thirsty lot I blame it on the heat and holidays! Gaz tried to purchase a six pack of bourbon and coke as well and was politely reminded of the alcohol restrictions for the area. You are only allowed to carry one carton of 30 cans of beer and two litres of wine or one 24 can carton of pre mix spirits plus two litres of wine. There are fines starting at $37,500 for the first offence and vehicles can be confiscated. The guy behind the counter was lovely with a big smile and joking around. All of the Torres Straight Islanders seem so friendly and happy and relaxed. Beautiful people.

We got the beer and headed back to the campsite. Gaz got a fire going and we cooked the prawns and tails in the keg in boiling sea water. Yummmmmmmm! Sam just wasn't interested so he had cucumber and crackers and was quite happy with that as dinner.

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